“Fourteen of the nineteen penguin species are currently listed as Vulnerable, Near-Threatened, or Endangered. My mission, as The Penguin Lady, is to raise awareness and funding to protect them.” — Dyan deNapoli, penguin expert and author
From the moment I set out on my own as The Penguin Lady in 2005 (after co-managing the penguin colony at Boston’s New England Aquarium for 9 years), I’ve donated 20% of the proceeds from every appearance to penguin rescue, research, and conservation groups. I kept that same pledge when Simon & Schuster’s Free Press bought the rights to my book, The Great Penguin Rescue, in 2008. Even though I no longer work directly with penguins on a daily basis, donating to these various groups is one of the ways I continue to support them.
Want to help me in my mission to protect Endangered, Vulnerable, and Near-Threatened penguins? Sure you do!! It’s easy. You don’t have to fly halfway around the world to rescue and rehabilitate oiled penguins, or take a ship across the dreaded Drake Passage to count penguin nests in Antarctica. You can actually help penguins from the comfort of your very own home! It’s as easy as clicking on any one of the tabs in the drop-down window at the top of this page. You can donate to a rescue center or even volunteer at one (and actually work hands-on with real live penguins!); learn how to reduce your impact on our oceans; and more. You can even help researchers count penguins from your computer. Really!! Just click on PENGUIN WATCH here or under the LEARN MORE tab in the drop-down menu above to learn how. It’s simple to do and tons of fun for all ages!
Another important way you can help penguins is to reduce the amount of carbon you put into the atmosphere. Excess carbon in the atmosphere raises temperatures around the globe, both in the air and in the ocean, and this disrupts penguins’ ability to find enough food to eat. Global warming and overfishing are actually the top two threats to penguins today. They both lead to starvation – and not just for penguins, but for other animals that also rely on the ocean for their food, including Orcas and Polar bears. You can help penguins and other animals by reducing your carbon footprint. Use this easy carbon footprint calculator from Conservation.org to learn what your carbon footprint is. You’ll also learn steps you can take to reduce your carbon output. The penguins and the planet will thank you!!